Routine Appointments
For booking a routine appointment with a GP or Advanced Nurse Practitioner the receptionist will ask for a brief description of your symptoms to provide for the GP or ANP so they can triage their call lists on the day. Everything starts with a telephone consultation. If the GP or ANP feels they need to see you, they will offer a face-to-face appointment and give you the appointment date and time during your telephone consultation.
If you are a medical emergency we do still hold emergency appointments on the day, again, the receptionist will ask for a brief description of your symptoms.
Physiotherapist Appointments
We are able to book directly into our practice based physio for both face-to-face and telephone triage. Our physio is able to assist with all musculoskeletal issues you may have.
Treatment Room Appointments
Our treatment room is now appointment ONLY. If you have been advised by a GP to book into the treatment room, please contact the surgery to book an appointment.
Home Visits
Home visits are for patients who are too frail or ill to get to the surgery and should not be requested simply because it is inconvenient to travel. On average, three to four times as many patients can be seen in the surgery in the time it takes to see one at home.